

Consider One Another


In our human nature there is a tendency to think only about ourselves, but this verse says we are to “consider  one another.”  We are members of the same family and partners in the same work.  Someone has said, “The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.”  We must be involved with other people …

How The Ten Commandments Work


My family was attending a worship service punctuated by a powerful sermon on the Ten Commandments. After its conclusion, I turned to my wife Luella and said, “I’m so glad our children were here to listen to that sermon!”It happened to me without even noticing: I placed myself outside the circle of …

Dealing With Guilt


DO YOU EVER STRUGGLE with feelings of guilt? Are you haunted by guilt-ridden moments in your life and wish you could undo the past? Have you found that the more you try to ignore your guilty conscience, the stronger it grows? Wrestling with guilt can be a paralyzing, life-consuming battle that …

The Christian's Love To Christ


The following is an excerpt from The True Christian’s Love to the Unseen Christ, written by English pastor Thomas Vincent over 300 years ago.  It is observed, and it is greatly to be lamented, that there is, of late years, a great decay in the power of godliness among those that are sincere; and is …

Arise, my soul, arise!


This Charles Wesley classic came to me with fresh joy recently, and called me to a deeper contemplation of all that Christ has done for my soul. Not only was the entire Trinity at work in the redemption and reconciliation of my soul to God, but my name, even now, is written on his hands and "before …

You know there is a God


"The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse" (Romans 1:20).

New video with Martyn-Lloyd Jones


I enjoyed this interview with Martyn-Lloyd Jones which was recorded in 1970. He lays out the contrast between the view that modern society has of mankind, and that which is given in God's Word. He declares that the biblical truth about man is that he is "a creature gone astray." Rather than …

The abundance of grace


"Of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:16-17). By the law all men are justly condemned because they are violators of it and apart from grace there is no hope for them. When God's grace flows to …

A New Year’s Hymn


Scripture everywhere affirms the reality that human life is short -- like a story being told, like vapor in the air, like sparks from a fire. For this reason, open-eyed Christians have always recognized that this world's best gifts are but "trifling" gifts, and small. Therefore, they have refused …

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