
Who is Jesus?

Find the answer to this question here.


What is the Baptist Bible Hour?

BBH has been broadcasting God’s Word, primarily over the radio, for over 69 years. Motivated by a desire for God's glory, we exist to call men and women back to the beauty and sufficiency of the Bible. Here you can learn more about what we do.


What is your statement of faith?

Read our statement of faith here.


What is the Baptist Witness?

The BW is our monthly publication, with articles that are relevant and refreshing, speaking from the authority of God’s Word to believers who live in a world of ever-changing values. You can read the latest issue here.


I recently heard a message on the radio and would hear it again. How do I do that?

You can visit our broadcast page to hear all of our broadcasts. You can also visit our sermons page to find current and former messages. More messages are added regularly.


Where can I get the a capella hymns that I hear on the broadcast?

Visit our online store for a wonderful selection of a capella hymn CDs.


How can I get the BBH by podcast?

Click here for more information about BBH podcasting.


Do you ever give away resource materials?

After the tsunami struck south Asia in December of 2004, our Six Things to Remember in the Time of Crisis was translated into the Tamil language and given out to many of those affected by the devastation, in India and Sri Lanka.

In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we created a condensed, leaflet version of our book Six Things to Remember in the Time of Crisis and shipped boxes of them to aid workers in Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Following the deadliest campus shooting in U.S. history, at Virginia Tech, we shipped our Six Things to Remember in the Time of Crisis booklets and leaflets to VT Christian student organizations, for them to make available to students and faculty, across campus and in the community.

Following the 2011 tornado devastation in the South, we shipped hundreds of our Six Things to Remember in the Time of Crisis leaflets to aid volunteers to distribute for the Christ-centered encouragement of many who lost family, homes, and even whole towns.

If you would like to help with the expense of such endeavors, we welcome you to stand with us in the face of overwhelming pain and sorrow, and offer hope and help and strength. Christ can take our meager sack-lunch gifts and make a mighty feast.


How is my gift to BBH being used?

Every penny that is donated for radio support goes toward paying for airtime on stations. If a donation is specified for a particular purpose, it is always used for that purpose (e.g. radio, internet, etc.). Administrative expenses are paid out of the general fund of unallocated gifts.

We are committed to honest and open stewardship of every gift, recognizing that we are only servants in Christ’s house (Mt. 24:45-46).
You can view our privacy policy here. You can donate online here.


Do you issue receipts for tax purposes?

Yes. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your gift is tax-deductible. You will receive a receipt promptly in the mail after each gift to BBH.


How can I support BBH?

First, pray for us! With God all things are possible (Mt. 19:26), but without Christ we can do nothing (Jn. 15:5).

Second, prayerfully consider sponsoring BBH financially. While it is God who supplies all the needs of His people, He may use you as an instrument of help and provision. Find out here how to help share the Good News.


Can I partner with BBH by setting up a recurring donation?

Yes. Thank you for considering it! In addition to setting up a recurring donation, you can also be put on our email list in order to receive news of special offers and the latest events.


How can I contact BBH?

You may contact us via our online form, email, postal mail:

P.O. Box 17037
Cincinnati, OH 45217-0037