
For many people, even Christians, there is a persistent and tragic disconnect between the narrative and instruction that they see in the Bible, and the problems, challenges, and opportunities that they experience in their daily lives. It is our purpose to bridge this great divide with teaching that has depth and gravity, but is at the same time accessible and relatable. To this end, for over 69 years the Baptist Bible Hour has been broadcasting the Word of God, with a particular emphasis on the sovereignty of God in personal salvation and in every detail of life.
Our Mission
Simply put, it is our fervent desire that, through the faithful and consistent application of God’s Word, “your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ”. If you have never heard or considered the claims of Jesus Christ, you may wish to begin with the question “Who is Jesus?” If you are a Christian seeking tools to help you grow spiritually, our devotionals, the online store, and the broadcast itself are here to assist you in your pursuit.
Our Invitation
For many years the program has been introduced with the phrase, “We invite you to stay tuned for another message of God’s sovereign grace.” Nothing could better sum up our invitation or our ministry. We invite you to join us as we continue in the ever-delightful quest to know our sovereign God better and to reflect His sovereign grace more perfectly in our lives.
Who We Are
Lasserre Bradley, Jr.
Lasserre Bradley, Jr. has directed and hosted the Baptist Bible Hour radio broadcast since its beginning in 1953. The messages on the program originate from the pulpit of the Cincinnati Primitive Baptist Church, where he served as senior pastor for 62 years and still is a member and elder. Lasserre is also editor of The Baptist Witness and author of other practical, Bible-based literature including The Doctrines of Grace, I Feel Overwhelmed, Six things To Remember In the Time of Crisis, and The Christian Home. One of the hallmarks of his ministry has been an emphasis on exegetical teaching, with a very practical and personal application.
Lasserre and his wife Emily have three grown children: Leanna, Peggy and Lasserre III. And occupying a special place in his and Emily’s hearts are their twenty-one grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren!
Timothy Guess
Timothy Guess has listened to the Baptist Bible Hour broadcast for almost as long as he can remember! He serves as Managing Editor of The Baptist Witness, our online publication. Additionally, he manages content for the BBH Twitter and Facebook pages, and occasionally does voice work for the BBH. Timothy is pastor of Collierville Primitive Baptist Church in Collierville, Tennessee. He and his wife Meredith have five children.
What We Do
We believe that the ultimate purpose of human beings is to glorify Jesus Christ and that the great means to that end is the effective application and living out, through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, of the all-sufficient Word of God. Therefore, we seek to broadcast the Word as God's providence gives opportunity, praying for God to bring forth fruit according to His power and pleasure.
We recognize that there are real people, with real problems, who are hurting and desperately in need of a genuine solution. We are therefore very serious in our recognition of the needs, and very joyful in our sharing of hope.
How We Do It
Lasserre Bradley, Jr. began the Baptist Bible Hour in 1953 with just one radio station here in Cincinnati. The broadcast itself has grown steadily since then, currently going out over about 75 radio stations, as well as the internet and podcast. We are thankful for opportunities to extend the broadcast internationally with stations in the Philippines and Northern Ireland. Most stations carry only the weekly broadcast, but both the the weekly and daily programs are available on our podcast platforms. Our publication, The Baptist Witness, was formerly a print publication, but is now offered here on our website in digital format. The Baptist Witness is translated and distributed in India to Tamil language readers.
Today, the broadcast can be heard daily and weekly over the radio in the United States and in Asia, and 24/7 worldwide over the internet.
New avenues of communication such as the Internet and podcasting have, of course, changed the world since the 50s and increased the ways that we have been able to get the truth of Christ into homes, offices, and mobile devices of people around the globe. So, along with the old medium of radio, we have been blessed to see God opening door after door for the gospel to be brought to the multitudes.
How You Can Help
Support the work. There is continual expense in this ministry work and, we depend on our listeners to help supply the need, as they are able and so desire. We want to thank you for helping to keep us on the air in your area or over the internet, and we want to praise the Lord for His provision over the years for this ministry. You can make a donation to the ministry here.
Share your testimony. It is our purpose to glorify Jesus Christ by faithfully preaching His Word and thoroughly applying it to the real-life struggles you face. Whether you have listened for years over your local station or are a new listener via the podcast, we are always thankful to hear how the Lord blesses this ministry to individual lives. So please do take the time to write or email us.
Pray for us. With God, all things are possible. Therefore, we covet your prayers to God for us, as we continue to send out the good news.
How Can We Help You?
Listen: You can listen to the current broadcast here. Additionally, our sermon library is here. This is an archive of sermons preached over the years by Lasserre Bradley, Jr. Take advantage of this large selection of sermons to grow in your knowledge and application of God's word.
Read: We have various Biblically-themed articles, as well as devotionals, Q&A, and our online publication The Baptist Witness.
Refer: Is there a message or devotional that you think would benefit an unbelieving friend or a fellow church member? Feel free to share what you hear or read!