You know there is a God
4/02/19"The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power …
New video with Martyn-Lloyd Jones
3/04/19I enjoyed this interview with Martyn-Lloyd Jones which was recorded in 1970. He lays out the contrast between the view that modern society has of …
In the beginning God
1/23/18The United States Supreme Court recently handed down what is doubtless one of the most historic, and tragic, decisions since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 …
One lesson from nature, another from history
11/10/11First, we have a lesson from nature. Here's a video to make you feel small and in awe. What God says to Job of the hawk and eagle could also be asked …
Archaeologists are (again) confirming the history of the Bible
7/14/11For a book whose detractors claim is so full of myths and redaction, it is astounding how frequently the history of the Bible has been confirmed and …
Is the God of the Bible the same as the God of the Q’uran?
4/01/11Here is a concise, biblical answer to a very good question about which many Christians even have become confused. -shockwave-flash" …