Editor's Notes

Man in his fallen nature is prone to think primarily about himself and fail to show proper concern for others. The articles in this month's edition of the BW use some of the "one another texts" to show us that Christians are to be ministering to others. May each of us be inspired to lay the truths to heart and implement them in our lives.

I am glad you have come to our website and pray the articles and messages will be a blessing to you. If they are, tell others about them! We ask that you pray the Lord will use this ministry to His glory.

—Lasserre Bradley, Jr.


In sports, there are individual sports, such as golf and tennis. There are also team sports, such as basketball, soccer, baseball and more. In team sports, every member of the team is of vital importance. Every member of the team needs the contribution and help of the other members of the team. Following Jesus is not a sport by any means, but it is a “team” activity. Reading the pages of the New Testament, one will find repeated and varied commands concerning “one another.” We have picked only three for this edition of the BW. But, there are many more. May we all grow in obeying these commands, and may we also benefit from the “others” in our lives ministering to us as well! 

-Timothy Guess