
Dear Friends,

Thank you, Lord, for sustaining Bro. Lasserre in these 70 years of broadcasting, proclaiming the good news of your sovereign grace to sinners like me. Sunday’s Anniversary broadcast caused my cup to run over in thanksgiving to our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ. The weekly series on I John has also blessed my soul. Please send me the free CDs offered. May the Lord’s blessings continue upon you, your family and all those who labor with you.

—Kingsport, TN


It has been a good while since I have written you. We listen to the program regularly. Just wanted to send you some money to let you know we have not forgotten you or the program. We praise God for you and pray God’s blessings upon you and the work there. When listening we are reminded of many of God’s blessings upon us over these years. No praise would be enough to express that, but we would just try to give the glory to Him that has loved us with an everlasting love. We pray that God would grant you the strength to continue to preach His unsearchable grace. What a pleasure! Pray for us and the church here.

—Lexington, KY


Enclosed you will find a donation for the Baptist Bible Hour. I usually listen on Sunday morning at the website. I would like to request 2 copies of the anniversary CD. My favorite part was hearing you explain how Jesus was with the thief on the cross, next to him, and that was all the thief needed. The Lord blesses you to make explanations that are so perfectly clear.  I am so very thankful the Lord has blessed you with 70 years on the air. I will be 68 later in the spring and have listened to the broadcast since I was a little girl. Thank you for your faithful service to our Lord and Savior and to His people. 

—Raymond, MS


Dear Elder Bradley,

What a wonderful privilege to listen to the BBH over 1010 in Albemarle, NC every Sunday morning. The sweet message of sovereign grace brings much peace and comfort to me, an unworthy sinner. This marvelous gospel feeds my soul and encourages me to press onward and look upward. If possible please send me the CD, “Grace Grace and more Grace”. My prayer to our God is to grant you health and strength to continue to edify God’s children.

—Richfield, NC


We live in WV and enjoy your program every Sunday before church on 98.1 WBRF-FM. We missed you last fall at Mt. Zion in Ronceverte, WV. Hope you can come back this fall. We enjoyed your broadcast on “Grace, Grace and More Grace”. We would like a copy of the CD. God bless everything you do.

—Alderson, WV


Dear Elder Bradley,

We want to thank you for your many (70) years of service to the people of God with your radio broadcasts. I am 68 yrs old, so I remember listening to you from my earliest memories. We have been encouraged and uplifted many times by your messages. You are so blessed to point us to a Sovereign God in times of distress or trouble, and to reassure us that everything is in His hands. We have missed seeing you in Tyler the last few years. We hope to be able to see you if you return to the area. We are so thankful to have been blessed to meet you in person so we have a face and personality to go with the voice on the radio. We have been so impressed by your humility and love. We would like to have a copy of the CD, “Grace, Grace and more Grace”. May our dear Lord bless you to speak to us on the radio for many more years.

—Longview, TX