
I am writing to let you know what a blessing the Baptist Bible Hour is in my life. These past few years have been very troubling for my family and also the country. Your messages offer hope and encouragement. I listen on Sunday morning on WKRC in Cincinnati. I also listen to the messages on my computer during the week. I have drawn closer to God as a result. Thank you for your messages and showing us God’s love.
—Cincinnati, OH
Dear Brother Bradley,
The website is first class all the way! Enjoying it so much but hearing you preach the gospel takes precedence over all. Thank you for your tireless efforts in bringing us the Word.
—Pasadena, TX
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are so blessed to be able to listen to the Baptist Bible Hour each Sunday at 9:00 am on the Galax, Va FM station 98.1. Thank you so much for continuing this ministry. Please accept this donation to help with expenses associated with keeping the program on the air. Blessings to you in 2023.
—Max Meadows, VA
Dear BBH,
We listen here in Bradenton, FL online every Sunday morning. It is a true joy to listen to Elder Bradley as he faithfully preaches the doctrines of grace and has for so many years of our lives. God bless.
—Bradenton, FL
Pastor Bradley,
Writing to you let you know there are listeners out here. My son and I listen to you on 1160 am in Cincinnati, and the word of Christ through you speaks to our hearts. Reproving, exhorting, and encouraging us in the only true name. We heard you talk about your eagerness and faithfulness to be on the radio and how he has always provided for you. We want to thank you because your broadcast has blessed us mightily! Your broadcast has always stood out from the rest. Your 1 John series was powerful! Right now in our life we have lost many physical things…but the words you have taught and reading His word, I do not lose hope. I can always hear your voice, “he will never leave us nor forsake us.” So wanted to thank you; how blessed we are to hear your messages every day and wanted to congratulate you on your 70th year!
—Cincinnati, OH