Editor's Notes

We all know that prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. In fact we are told, “Pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17). Certainly there are many things we pray for on a daily basis. We pray that the Lord will give us the wisdom, grace and strength to serve Him as we ought. We pray for our family, our church and the advancement of the kingdom of God, for those going through difficult times, and on the list goes.
While we hopefully pray for our country on a regular basis, there is a special need to do so at the present. The country has been led down the wrong road on so many issues, and now there are two wars in which the U.S. has some involvement, both of which have the prospect of turning into wars on a much broader scale.
Let us pray that the Lord will have mercy on us and protect us. We especially have concern that our religious liberty be persevered.