
By happy chance, I came across your broadcast and have been feasting on the word ever since. I am a regular listener to many radio preachers. Your preaching is Bible strong and down to earth, and a true blessing to me and I'm sure to many others. Congratulations on your 70th anniversary. Wishing you many more years of successful ministry. I listen on WRBS.
–Baltimore, MD
Still listening every Sunday morning on WKRC. Your sermons are a great encouragement. Pray for you both that God will bless and keep you.
–Moraine, OH
Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Baptist Bible Hour. I've very much enjoyed your broadcasts about God's wonderful and truly amazing sovereign grace. I'm grateful that the Lord has blessed you and your work to preach the truth of His Word for so many years and to so many listeners. My father was a regular listener of your radio broadcasts, and it was through him that I became acquainted with the Baptist Bible Hour program and The Baptist Witness. The sermons and articles are always a blessing to me. Thank you!
–Maryville, TN
Here we are 70 years down the road for the BBH! My, so many memories. I can recall singing “live” on the first broadcasts! As I think back over the years, how this program has reached out and blessed so many of God's children. I want to thank God for your faithfulness. Indeed the theme has been God's sovereignty, instruction, comfort and inspiration. I believe these are the fundamentals of preaching for God's children. May God continue to bless you and your ministry in this field.
–Cincinnati, OH
Congratulations on celebrating your 70th anniversary of incredible broadcasts! Thank you for your faithful delivery of messages, powerfully and beautifully moving and inspiring us with the Word of God and encouraging us to honor and glorify God in all we say and do. Your messages mean so much to me and to so many. For the last three years, I have listened through the website. Prior to that, I listened often on WSM Nashville. Your messages provide encouragement, reminders of what is most important, education, inspiration, guidance and hope. Our world and country need more of your messages and more of God's word. I really enjoy all the content on your website and all the beautiful music that accompanies your messages. Thank you for all you do.
–Cincinnati, OH
Just a quick note to say how much we enjoy your preaching. The internet access is a blessing as we can hear the Word of God anytime. Enclosed is a small contribution. May God bless you and yours in these perilous times.
–Fort Mill, SC