
Dear Elder Bradley,
I pray that God will bless you, your loves ones, and everyone affiliated with the Baptist Bible Hours with peace, joy, and hope during this holiday season and in the New Year to come. Thank you so much for the BBH and your dedicated service to the Lord through this ministry. The broadcasts and other content on the BBH website are always a blessing to me. Please use the enclosed gift to BBH wherever needed.
—Maryville, TN
Dear Bro. Bradley,
Appreciate so much you, Sis Emily and the many others who have worked along with you to proclaim the message of God’s sovereign grace over the years. It is a comfort to me and even more so in old age to know: “…the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.”
—Kingsport, TN
Dear Eld. Bradley,
Your program is a joy to me since I do not have the technology. I do enjoy the radio program on the local station. I have enjoyed your programs for years. I hope you will continue as you are now. Thank you again for all you do.
—Albemarle, NC
We so appreciate all of your sermons so many of them really help with our personal life situations. We’ve listened to you for over 40 years now. Thank you for staying the course so many years. Merry Christmas!
—Tullahoma, TN
Dear Bro. Bradley,
Please use this donation as needed for WHCB and WPWT. I was saddened to hear of Sister Emily’s health problems and pray God’s loving presence will comfort and strengthen her and you during this time. Your daily sermons have been my time of strength and joy to my soul for many years. May our loving God bless and use you for years to come.
—Kingsport, TN
To Pastor,
I love the way you tell the truth and your style of delivery, which often gives me a needed chuckle! Merry Christmas!
—Knoxville, TN