Your Heavenly Father

Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. Mt. 6:32
Consider with me the wonderful truths embedded in this simple sentence. First, that our Father in heaven knows our needs. This word "knoweth" does not merely denote an intellectual apprehension of our wants and condition, but refers to his care for those who belong to him as sons and daughters. He knows and he cares. He is moved by the genuine wants of his people. We do not serve a heartless God, but one who loves those who trust in him with an unfathomable love.
Second, the one who thus loves and cares for us is our Father. Those who relate to God through Jesus Christ will find, not an unapproachable Deity, but a God whose love and compassion and care for them is as tender and protective as the very best father. Indeed, compared to God the Father, every earthly father is evil (cf. Mt. 7:11).
Third, he is our heavenly Father. To understand the significance of this, consider the words of the psalmist in Ps. 115:3, "But our God is in the heavens, he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased." In other words, to describe God in this way is not only to say something about his location; it is rather to say something about his power and sovereignty. The one who knows our needs is not only wiling to provide for us, but he is also infinitely able. He owns and disposes of the cattle upon the thousands hills.
Finally, he knows that we have need of all these things. What does this refer to? In the context, it refers to food and clothing. Our Father is aware of our needs, and not just some of them, but all of them. He knows your needs down to the tiniest detail. He is not only omnipotent and omnipresent, he is also omniscient. And all these attributes are, through the grace of God in Christ, armed for the care of the Christian.
What then should be our response? It should be that we are not anxious (31). We are not to be characterized by care but by trust in our Father who loves us and cares for us. And it means that we should seek first the kingdom of God (33). For it is earthly care that so often prevents us from seeking the Lord as we ought. Let us therefore be people who glorify the heavenly Father who knows every need by trusting in him and serving him at all times.