The God who can keep you from falling
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude 24-25
This is one of the greatest doxologies in the New Testament, in my opinion. It is inspiring and encouraging and exhilarating and hope-giving and courage-building all at the same time. For it reminds us that what finally and ultimately keeps the Christian from falling away and being preserved for exceeding joy in the presence of the glory of God is not his or her own fickle will but the power and wisdom of the God who saves.
We need to hear this, and Jude knew it. That's why, in a small letter devoted to false teachers and apostates in the church who were seeking to draw people away after them and their stinking doctrine, Jude begins and ends his letter with a reminder that God keeps his people. Thus, he not only ends in the doxology given above, but also begins by describing the recipients of the letter as those who are "preserved in Jesus Christ" (1).
This does not mean that we don't have a responsibility to persevere in the faith. Verses 24-25 are preceded by 20-23, in which Jude urges them to be building themselves up in their most holy faith, to pray in the Spirit, to keep themselves in the love of God, to look for the mercy of Christ in his salvation. And he calls them to do so, not only for themselves, but for others, pulling people "out of the fire" (23).
But what gives us the courage to stand against all the enemies of our souls is the fact that even in all our strivings our strength comes not from the tiny reservoir of our abilities but from the God who saves. So let us not be faint of heart. Let us do battle for our God and his people knowing that he will give us the sure and certain and eternal victory.