
Of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, He that glorieth let him glory in the Lord – 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 

We first observe here the source of our blessings. They are of God and in Christ. We are not righteous in ourselves, but receive the imputed righteousness of Christ. It is according to God’s purpose and by His grace that we are in Christ and that these spiritual blessings are ours.

Additional blessings are then described: not only do we have righteousness in Christ but also wisdom, sanctification and redemption. Wisdom that is not our own, sanctification that we could not effect on our own, and redemption that we could not purchase on our own. All of this is found in Christ alone. 

We then look at what our response should be: glory in the Lord! What are you rejoicing in today? What are you boasting about today? We cannot boast in ourselves and we must not find our joy in this world. We are to glory in the Lord, to revel in His blessings, in His presence, and in His person.

This is the great purpose for which we have been saved — the glory of God and of his Son Jesus Christ. Are you fulfilling your purpose today?