
By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God – Ephesians 2:8

The faith through which we are saved is the free gift of God. Our salvation is not based on our good works, on our best efforts at religion, or on our foreseen faith (faith itself being the free gift of God). Salvation is of the Lord, and it is entirely based upon his sovereign grace.

Our faith, therefore, is not in faith, or in self, but rests in Jesus Christ alone as its perfect and glorious object. If our faith was in anything else it could be defeated, be deceived, or be derailed. Our good works come and go. Our spiritual zeal has its ups and downs. Even our faith waxes and wanes. But Christ’s work is always sufficient.

What a joy grace is! If we could earn salvation, then we could lose salvation. If we could lose salvation, we would lose salvation (remember even perfect Adam lost his perfection). But because salvation is by grace, our faith in Jesus Christ will never be disappointed or dismantled. It is as secure as God himself can make it.

Walk in that faith today. Rest in that grace today. Work for that God today.