Raised to Life

And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins. Eph. 2:1
The apostle reminds us that in Christ we have been raised from a death in sins (Eph. 2:1-10). Dear believer, if you are tempted to wonder why God is not doing something in your life, why he isn’t fixing a problem that you have, and if you are tempted to wonder if God is even interested in your life at all, remember this. There was a time when you were dead in trespasses and in sins. You were spiritually in no better shape than a corpse is physically. You were dead to the things of God. You were separated from the life of God. You were going your own way, away from God and away from eternal life. You loved the things you should have hated. You despised the things you should have loved. You were enslaved to the world, to the flesh, and to the devil. There is no reason why you should ever have considered the state of your soul and turned in faith to Christ. Why then, did you?
The answer is that God invaded your life. God came to the grave which was your heart and spoke life into it. He took away your blindness to the beauty and sufficiency of Christ. He took away your hardness of heart. He did it. You did not raise yourself from your death in sin. “But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together in Christ (by grace ye are saved)” (2:4-5). You did not make yourself into what you are. No, you are God’s workmanship (2:10). Don’t forget God’s goodness to you in giving you the new birth and bringing you to faith and repentance. Thank him for the life that you have in Christ.