Putting in a Good Word

Heaviness in the heart maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. Prov. 12:25
The word "heaviness" is variously translated as "worry" or "grief" or "anxiety." There are many things which can bring heaviness to the heart, anxiety being probably the most common cause. We worry about so many things because we live in a world that is filled with valid and legitimate reasons to fear. Or grief weighs the heart down: the loss of a loved one, dashed hopes and dreams, or sadness in the heart that we can't even account for in terms of its origins.
"But a good word maketh it glad." Not a trite word, not a thoughtless word, not a word detached from a sympathetic heart. Not a false word or Hallmark-like sentiments that sound good but have no real substance. But a good word. It is good because it springs from love and concern and truth, from a person who knows how to rejoice with those who rejoice and also who knows how to weep with those who weep (Rom. 12:15). Our Lord himself knew how to speak a word to those who were weary (Isa. 50:4). To his disciples he said, "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full" (Jn. 15:11).
This of course does not discount the fact that sometimes we need to be silent or we just need to listen. But eventually, we will need to speak into the lives of those who are hurting. When you do so, make sure it is a good word, and gladden the heart of your friend.
Above all, we all need the good word of the gospel spoken to us and spoken by us. There is no other balm that will minister grace like this to our heavy hearts. For "that was the grace, softer than oil, sweeter than roses, which flows from the Saviour's lips into the sinner's wounds; and being poured into the contrite heart, not only heals, but blesses it, yea, and marks it out for eternal blessedness. Oh! how sweet is the voice of pardon to a soul groaning under the burden of sin!" (Robert Leighton).