God’s Word
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds – 2 Corinthians 10:4
Our weapons are not carnal, or physical, weapons. This is a great comfort to know since Paul tells us in Ephesians that we are not wrestling or fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies.
Rather, Paul says, we are engaged in mortal combat with evil and powerful, but spiritual, enemies. So our weapons are well-fashioned for the war in which we fight. We are not given infrared scopes for a daylight combat mission; we are given spiritual weapons for a spiritual warfare.
But here is the most encouraging news, fresh from the battlefront — these weapons are powerful and effective. In fact, Paul the apostle testifies that he has seen these spiritual weapons pull down entire strong holds of the enemy. Unlike Saul’s armor which David wisely rejected (it being untried), these are tools of war that have been well tested. And through God they have irresistible force.
Perhaps you think we have been speaking in metaphor thus far. We have not. This is a real battle and these are real weapons. So pick up your Bible, dear believer, and become acquainted with its contents.
God’s Word, accompanied by God’s Spirit, has the power to win the most important conflicts that are raging in your life right now.