God and His Attributes
The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness – Romans 1:18
Everyone, even many non-Christians, enjoy talking about the love of God. But here we are reminded that the wrath of God is also revealed. The holy anger of God is just as much a part of his divine perfection as his love or mercy.
And notice where the revelation of God’s wrath comes from: it is revealed from heaven. Heaven is not ashamed of the wrath of God, but rather puts it on display, throughout Scripture, as one of his many and beautiful attributes. If heaven is not embarrassed of God’s anger against ungodliness, why would we be?
The further declaration is made that God’s wrath is against, not just some wickedness or injustice, but all ungodliness and unrighteousness. We are not left in comfort to decry the debauchery or dishonesty of others. We must recognize that God will punish every sinful thought and act.
There is no such thing, then, as a little sin — a sin that goes unnoticed and without offense to God. Every sin is an affront to the holiness, the thorough goodness, of God.
While there are some who seek to “hold,” or suppress, this truth because of their skewed sense of right and wrong, there are others who flee for refuge in the mercy and love of this same wrathful God. They see God’s punishment of their sins in Christ, on the cross, to be their shelter from the wrath they deserve.
How do you respond to the wrath of God? Do you hold the truth down, as best you can, or do you hold up the cross as best you can?