Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee – Isaiah 49:15
Have you ever felt forsaken, forgotten, or overlooked? Have you ever had your closest friends, and even family, let you down?
As unthinkable as it may seem, as unnatural as it clearly is, it is possible even for a mother to forget or neglect her nursing baby. She may become frustrated, or exhausted; or she may simply put herself first and not consider the needs of her infant baby. There have been shocking accounts in the national news lately of mothers who even harmed their own infant children for selfish reasons.
But God speaks this unalterable, unmistakable promise: even if your own mother were to turn against you, or forget you, yet he will never forget you. Although in a fallen and sinful world, parents may neglect or abuse their children, God will always nurture and prosper and provide for his.
What a comfort to hear these words from our heavenly Father! Though circumstances may deteriorate, though fathers may disappoint, though friends may forsake, God will never let you go. He is the perfect, protective parent.
There is no trial that faces you, no temptation that overtakes you, no problem that afflicts you without God’s loving hand embracing you. Fall into his ever-present, compassionate embrace today and rest in the fact that he will never leave you or forsake you.