A promise for all times

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21
This is a quotation from the prophet Joel, which the apostle Peter applies to the Day of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. But this is a truth which is applicable in every time and age. The apostle Paul also quotes it in Romans 10:13, applying it to his audience - quite different from Peter's and in a different time. The truth is simply this: those who call on the Lord Jesus for salvation and life from a true and sincere heart will find both salvation and life. "Whosoever" - there are no exceptions! Dear friend, if this morning you are among those who have called upon the name of the Lord, you can find assurance from this promise that you shall be saved. And if you have never yet done so, then hear what this promise says: everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. It is certain. What a solid foundation for hope and assurance! Let us rejoice in such a free and gracious promise from the Lord to poor and broken sinners!