Daily In the Word
Much has been written about “information overload.” Modern technology has made it possible for information to come at us fast and furiously on a daily basis. Not only are there newspapers, magazines, and TV programs designed to capture our attention and provide an endless stream of information — now Facebook, Twitter, smart phones, and electronic tablets are all ready to pump out more details than we can absorb. And as you might expect, there is now a name for the reaction one might have to this abundant outpouring: it is referred to as “information fatigue syndrome.” The technological advances have also opened doors of opportunity for the spread of the gospel. We are thankful that sound preaching can be heard via the Internet twenty-four hours a day, daily devotions can be sent directly to your smart phone, and words of godly counsel can be quickly communicated through email. But with all these potential distractions it is possible that we fail to spend the time we ought to in God’s Word.
Disconnect to Reconnect
Blogger Phil Cooke launched a campaign called, “Disconnect to Reconnect.” He suggested that, on Father’s Day, fathers should disconnect from their cell phone and other equipment and reconnect with their children.
There is probably some disconnecting we all ought to do that we may reconnect with God’s Word by reading it faithfully on a daily basis.
In describing the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, the psalmist writes: “But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night” (1:2). God’s Word is to be a part of our life every day of the week, not just when we assemble for worship on Sunday. And the result of reading it, studying it, and meditating on it is spiritual prosperity. “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper”(3). When the Lord spoke to Joshua regarding his responsibility of leadership in bringing the children of Israel into the promised land he said,“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shall make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success”
(Joshua 1:8).
It is good to read the scriptures, it is good to memorize them, and it is good to hear them preached — but as God said to Joshua, the purpose in view is that we may observe to do what is written.
The Nourishment We Need
In Psalm 119 David enumerates some of the many benefits of being in God’s Word. In verse 11 he says it is a guard against sin, in verse 24 it is our source of counsel, in verse 49 it gives us hope, in verse 89 it provides stability because the word is settled in heaven, in verse 105 it provides light for our path that we will not stumble in darkness, in verse 144 it provides understanding and in verse 165 it brings peace. No wonder he could say in verse 159 that he loved the precepts of God and in verse 164 say, “Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments.” When Jesus was tempted by Satan, he used scripture to confront his adversary, answering that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”(Matthew 4:4).
As bread is used to sustain us physically, God’s Word provides the spiritual nourishment we need on a daily basis.
If you quit eating, you would soon become weak and sickly; and the same is true when our spiritual food is neglected. Jesus was referring to a passage in the book of Deuteronomy where the children of Israel were being reminded that God provided manna for them in the wilderness and by this experience humbled them and made them realize the necessity of complete dependence on him. In fact, they had to gather the manna on a daily basis, which is a reminder to us that we need spiritual food every day. When we neglect the Word, we reveal that we have forgotten our need of the Lord and our need of the wisdom that can only be found in the book he inspired men to write.
Think Biblically to Act Biblically
When it comes to our need for counsel, how easy it is to feel that—given enough time—we can figure things out on our own. Friends are ready to offer advice, the philosophers of the world claim to have great insight, and even some who claim to be promoting Christian counseling have twisted passages of scripture in an effort to support their humanistic thinking.
If we really believe that the Bible is God’s holy Word we will want to go there to hear what God says.
God’s children need to think biblically so they can act biblically. If we are constantly feeding on the opinions of men and are being influenced by the popular opinions of the day, we will then think and live like the world. Paul writes: “Let the word of Christ dwell in your richly in all wisdom” (Colossians 3:16). We are to be acquainted with the Word so that it is at home in us. When we face a crisis or are struggling with a decision, if the Word is dwelling in us richly we not be seeking solutions elsewhere but walk in the light God has given us. Some view reading the Bible as a difficult task. The excuse is made that there is just not enough time or that I have difficulty understanding it. But when we plan the time and pray for the Spirit to bless us with understanding there can be a steady growth that brings us to love the Word; then we can say with David, “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honey comb.” (Psalm 19:10).
The more you learn of the Word the greater will be your view of the glory of God, the deeper will be your appreciation for his grace, the stronger your love for the Savior who died for us.
When your desire in daily living is to give glory to God and your decisions are guided by this concern, you actually find greater joy than when living to fulfill selfish interests. When you see more of the marvels of his grace you find hope, forgiveness, and peace in the Lord that could never be found in the therapies promoted by men. The more you realize what it means to have been rescued from destruction, and saved by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, the more you are motivated to die to self, follow him, serve him and therefore find the great joy of his fellowship. Remember as you are bombarded with more information than you can ever absorb from many sources, the best information and only authoritative source is God’s Word.
The battle against sin is a daily battle — so you need the Word every day.
The need to shine as lights in a dark world is a daily need — so you need the Word every day. The need to find strength against discouragement is a daily need — so you need to be in God’s Word every day. The need to learn more of God’s greatness and have communion with him is a daily need — so you need to be in his Word every day.