Worldview and Ethics
Taking God At His Word
11/01/18A walk in the woods on an autumn afternoon when the leaves have turned to brilliant colors of yellow and red provides a beautiful view of God’s …
The Conclusion of the Whole Matter
10/02/18Many have concluded that the book of Ecclesiastes presents a very dark and pessimistic message. It is understandable that such an opinion may be …
Judge Not
1/22/18“Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). This verse has become one of the most frequently quoted verses in the Bible, but like some other …
Our View of Man
5/20/14A philosophy that is popular among many in our day says, “Love yourself, esteem yourself, believe in yourself.” Some have gone so far to suggest that …
The Authority of God
1/24/14Since God is the sovereign Creator, he has authority over all things and all creation is called on to praise him. The very heavens are called to …
Willingly Ignorant
7/17/08What a thrill to look into the sky on a clear night and see the brilliance of countless stars filling the heavens. Not only are you enthralled by …