
Worldview and Ethics

Taking God At His Word


A walk in the woods on an autumn afternoon when the leaves have turned to brilliant colors of yellow and red provides a beautiful view of God’s …

The Conclusion of the Whole Matter


Many have concluded that the book of Ecclesiastes presents a very dark and pessimistic message. It is understandable that such an opinion may be …

Judge Not


“Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). This verse has become one of the most frequently quoted verses in the Bible, but like some other …

Our View of Man


A philosophy that is popular among many in our day says, “Love yourself, esteem yourself, believe in yourself.” Some have gone so far to suggest that …

The Authority of God


Since God is the sovereign Creator, he has authority over all things and all creation is called on to praise him. The very heavens are called to …

Willingly Ignorant


What a thrill to look into the sky on a clear night and see the brilliance of countless stars filling the heavens. Not only are you enthralled by …

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