The Fear of the Lord Is The Beginning

by Justin Huffman
The wise man or woman not only learns, but pursues wise instruction. Every book written, movie made, lecture delivered, or advise given is an offer to be your counselor, your tutor. So choose well your instructors!
True wisdom springs from a heart-influencing, mind-renewing, affection-focusing fear of God. It takes our eyes off each other and lifts them consciously to Christ. The wise author of Proverbs reminds us that there are those who fear the Lord, and then there are fools -- there is no one else in the world.
Join us as we seek to turn our eyes and ears away from the clamoring instructors of this low-minded, sin-infatuated planet and pursue the exotic, other-worldly wisdom that is only found in the fear of God.
Purchase the series from which this message comes: Letters from a Wise Father, Volume 1 (see also Volume 2) or call 1-800-473-4BBH to order this single message.