Standing Fast, pt 2

Standing Fast, pt 2

The first letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, being the earliest of any of his epistles, seems more practical, and less doctrinal, than most of his later epistles.

It is remarkable that such a new church, with such simple beliefs and little theological learning, should make such an enormous evangelistic impact on the surrounding area.

No greater evaluation of our success as Christians, and as a church, could be found than that with which Paul hails the church at Thessalonica (1:4-8).

Paul says, "Our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance."

Can not -- should not -- we learn a lesson from their simple faith and their righteous zeal? Join us as we unpack what true gospel impact looks like, and let its power transform your life as well.