Be These Attitudes

Be These Attitudes

Does the law really consist of just a set of outward rules or commandments for us to follow? Did Jesus come to rid us of our duty to God?

In this series of six messages from the most famous sermon of all time, Justin Huffman reminds us that we are no longer under the law, but under grace -- and that grace demands more of us than the law ever did! Because grace demands heart-worship.

As you listen to this message from the Beatitudes, sit down with a cup of coffee and think kingdom thoughts.

What things would you most like to see developed in your character and life? Are they the same things Jesus says he wants to see developed in us?

Remember that to those who live this life is promised these promises – theirs is the kingdom of God!

Purchase the series The Sermon on the Mount, from which this message comes, or call 1-800-473-4224 to order this single message.