Sink me in self that I may rise in Thee

We are currently running a series of messages on our daily broadcast dealing with humility. In connection with that subject let me share with you this quote by C. H. Spurgeon from Faith's Cheque Book:
"He that humbleth himself shall be exalted" (Luke 18:14).
It ought not to be difficult for us to humble ourselves, for what have we to be proud of? We ought to take the lowest place without being told to do so. If we are sensible and honest we shall be little in our own eyes. Especially before the Lord in prayer we shall shrink to nothing. There we cannot speak of merit, for we have none: our one and only appeal must be to mercy: "God be merciful to me a sinner."
Here is a cheering word from the throne. We shall be exalted by the Lord if we humble ourselves. For us the way upward is downhill. When we are stripped of self we are clothed with humility, and this is the best of wear. The Lord will exalt us in peace and happiness of mind; He will exalt us into knowledge of His Word and fellowship with Himself; He will exalt us in the enjoyment of sure pardon and justification. The Lord puts His honours upon those who can wear them to the honour of the giver. He gives usefulness, acceptance, and influence to those who will not be puffed up by them, but will be abased by a sense of greater responsibility. Neither God nor man will care to lift up man who lifts up himself; but both God and good men unite to honour modest worth.
O Lord, sink me in self that I may rise in Thee.