Giving Thanks to God

This past Sunday, April 23, my wife Emily, was able to go to Church for the first time in over two years. As many of you know she had a severe case of Covid.
During her time in the hospital/rehab visitation was not allowed, so I could not be with her. Twice I received word that she was in intensive care and in a very low state.
Between time in the hospital and the rehab she was away from home for 101 days. I begged the Lord if He would bring her home I would be careful
to give Him all the glory. So that is the reason for this note. It was a special blessing for her to be back at Church yesterday and I want to praise the
Lord for it. Many people have told us they have prayed for Emily and she wants you to know she deeply appreciates your prayers. She sustained
permanent lung damage, is still on oxygen part of the time and has other physical challenges, but we are so thankful for God's grace and mercy in
bringing us through this ordeal.