Behold Your God
You feel hopeless—He is the God of hope, Romans 15
You are at your wit’s end—He will hear your cry, Psalm 107:27
You are weary—He will give your rest, Matthew 11:28
You thirst for fellowship with God-- He will give you the water of life, Revelation 22:17
You are weak—He will give you strength, Isaiah 40:29
You feel forsaken—He will take you up, Psalm 27:10
You are confused—He will give you wisdom, James 1:5
You are an unclean sinner—He will cleanse you, I John 1:9
You are fearful—He will come and help you, Isaiah 35:4
You are in the dark—He will give you light, John 8:12
You dread the valley of death—He says I will be with you, Psalm 23
You doubt your salvation—He says He will not cast out those who come to Him, John 6:37