A Time for Reflection

The transition from one year to the next provides a special time for reflection.
As you look back over the year now ending, you have probably experienced a combination of many challenges and of special blessings. But the most important question is this: as you review the year soon to be past, can you say it has been a time of spiritual growth for you?
I know for some it has been a very difficult time of dealing with sickness, the loss of loved ones, and the various pressures of life which often seem to weigh us down. But through our sufferings and losses we can grow in grace and in our walk with the Lord. If trials have caused you to grow cold rather than to bring you to more dependence on the Savior, may this become a time of renewal in your life. May the New Year be one in which above everything else you can say with the apostle, "For to me to live is Christ."
Let us pray that as each of us seek to draw near to the Lord, that as the purchased people of God we experience a true spiritual revival. To many in this day the thought of such an awakening seems to be out of the question; they are satisfied simply to survive in such difficult times. We know, though, that with God all things are possible.
Let us pray with the psalmist, "Wilt thou not revive us again: that they people may rejoice in thee?" (Psalm 85:6). Let us pray that each of us will experience a revival in our own life by being more diligent in prayer, more consistent in the study of God's Word, and more zealous in every aspect of Christ's service.
And please pray with us that the Lord will use this radio ministry as a great light, and that hungry souls will find their way here and rejoice in the gospel of Jesus Christ!